Heaven & Hell
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Heaven & Hell

Clan Activo de RaidFight L2 Server
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Mensajes : 4
Fecha de inscripción : 12/11/2010

MensajeTema: CLAN RULES   CLAN RULES Icon_minitimeDom Dic 12, 2010 7:59 pm

Clan Rules:

1. Respect all clan members, do not allow any act offensive to members of the same or alliance
2. Warn if will be inactive, or simply if you are a casual gamer, to avoid in cleaning of members be banned for inactivity
3. Do not enter characters clan backpacks (backpack mean by that accompanies the main character as a buffer, if you wear pj's another out of principal, you can join the clan only if their presence is required for membership, and will be expelled when no function inside without any prior notice or consultation.
4. With regard to the raids:
4.1. The channel will Proposition raid by clan will not be taken into account (we raid?) To propose a raid, the person who organized, must find a VIVA first, and there mismbros call the clan to attend
4.2. The raid will drop the property of CLAN, under any situations the character you picked will be the rightful owner of it, the drop will always be deposited at the Wherehouse or given to the clan leader or person in charge of the raid.
5. Log in and be aware of the clan forum, not knowing what is posted on the forum will be the responsibility of the player, for example if the forum has published a siege, and player X does not know, blame the player, not the organizers.
6. By registering on the forum, use the same nickname that you have in the game, so will avoid confusion or bans.
7. Only you will be responsible for dibulgacion your account, no guild member be liable for any damage, loss, theft. So make sure those who manage your accounts.
8. The main clan of people will feel like progress, members of the ancient clans will welcome new applicants must enter the forum members and be offered as an A Grade.
9. As for the academy for more points of reputation is international, and pj must graduate as quickly as possible.
10. It may recruit members from lvl 50 to 60 with the commitment of these to be +70 in the term of 15 days.
11. The guild help tips and techniques on how to get equipment and weapons, would not provide equipment or weapons to anyone for the simple reason that then leave the clan.
12. It will return to recruit those who leave the academy which are known to any member of the clan, and the commitment of both, that will not be abandoned pj lvl 50. (As in most cases)

These rules are subject to change, to suggest that you add or remove a rule, post it in the section of ideas and suggestions, there you can go through an evaluative process and decide if it is implemented or not
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